Enrollment Information

Lakeview Montessori on the Hill offers 3 sessions to accommodate the needs of the various ages of students in the classroom:

Half-Day Schedule / 8:30am - 12:00pm
Well suited for your child's attention span
and physical endurance.​

Extended Day Schedule / 8:30am - 2:30pm 
Open to students who exhibit a
readiness for a longer workday.

Full Day Schedule / 7:00am - 6:00pm
To meet the needs of working families

It is ideal for a student to continue until after they turn 6 years old. The second year of the extended day program is considered their Kindergarten year, after which they may enter first grade at another Montessori, private, or public school.

  • Complete and submit the LMS application with a $25 non-refundable application fee.

    Please submit one application for each child. If an opening is not immediately available, your child's name will be placed in the appropriate class waiting pool. As soon as an opening is available, a child-teacher meeting and parent orientation will be scheduled to determine the child's readiness, class placement and date of admission.

    Upon acceptance, the child is enrolled at LMS. Placement is determined in part by the needs of the classroom.

  • Must follow all enrollment procedures.

    All returning students are given priority enrollment.

    An annual re-enrollment fee of $40 (per child) is due upon re-enrollment. This fee is non-refundable.

  • The (1) enrollment fee, (2) activity/supply fee and (3) deposit are due upon enrollment.

    1. The enrollment fee for new students is $50 and is non-refundable.

    2. The activity/supply fee is $175 per child and is non-refundable.

    3. The deposit is equal to one half of a full month's tuition and is held until the child is withdrawn.

    The deposit is strictly non-refundable except for school initiated dismissal while in attendance, unless a 30 day written notice of withdrawal is given.

  • A Montessori class is ungraded and the children within the environment range in age. As a result, a child can work with older children in one subject, with younger children in another, and still have social interaction with children their own age. As an individual, the child is not dependent on others in their group for intellectual or social growth.

  • LMS adheres to an open door policy, meaning that parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the school at any time during regular school hours. Parents may observe from the classroom door anytime they wish to do so, although prolonged periods of observation are by appointment only.

Fee Schedule

Monthly tuition rates For the 2025-2026 Academic Year
( August 4, 2025 - May 28, 2026 )

(18 months - 3 years)

8:30am - 12:00pm

Extended Day
8:30am - 2:30pm

Full Day

(3 years - 6 years)

8:30am - 12:00pm

Extended Day
8:30am - 2:30pm

Full Day


Before School Only: $269

After School Only: $369
- Including Holidays: $420

Before & After School: $456
- Including Full-Day Holidays:

Please Note:

  • ​Lakeview Elementary School Students: We accept before and after school students on a very limited basis.
    We offer this primarily to former Lakeview Montessori students that have moved on to Lakeview Elementary kindergarten.

  • Payments are due on the 1st business day of the month.
    Your payment will be considered late after the fifth business day of the month. A 10% late fee will then be added to your invoice.

  • The returned check fee is $30.

  •  A late pick-up fee of $10 per child for the first 5 minutes and $1.00 a minute thereafter.
    If a parent is late picking up for ½ day or extended day the charge will be added to your monthly statement for any child left at school after their chosen schedule has ended. If a child is left at the school after 5:30 pm, please make payment directly to the staff member who stayed late with your child.

  • Summer School Program: Please be advised that there are additional registration and material fees if you choose to register your child in our summer school program.